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Learning extends beyond the classroom in our Junior School.

Our co-curricular opportunities are diverse and encompass various activities, from extensive music ensembles, choirs, afterschool and interschool sports, debating, chess, and lunchtime academic competitions and House events.

We see the Junior School years as a time for students to discover and explore their interests, igniting their passions. Participation and involvement are at the core of what we do, creating connections, fostering a deep sense of community, and allowing students to explore and discover their passions.

Co-curricular activities are available before and after school for students from Prep through to Year 6. Activities are provided based on student's interests and are reviewed regularly to reflect the cohort. In addition, before school care and afterschool care services are available to parents.

Through these experiences, students learn the true value of teamwork, putting their skills into practice while simultaneously forging lasting bonds with their peers. These activities are about acquiring new skills and creating memorable moments filled with fun and enjoyment, making learning truly unforgettable.

Sport at Ruyton