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Lady Peggy Bunting

Lady Peggy Bunting

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Lady Peggy Bunting (MacGruer ‘36), together with her older sister, Dorothy, was enrolled at Ruyton in the late 1920s. Peggy completed her intermediate certificate at 15 years old, but then left school: ‘I now regret this but my thoughts then were of getting a job.’ She was inspired by visits to Melbourne of Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubenstein, and went on to become a beauty therapist. She married old Trinity Grammarian, John Bunting, who enjoyed an outstanding career in Canberra, as the Head of Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and in the Australian High Commission. In her role as wife of the High Commissioner Peggy was responsible for ensuring that the many invited guests felt at ease and included. It was at Ruyton where she learnt these values of inclusion and fairplay.